A+ Facilities Project
Over the past few months, information has been shared with the Board of Directors,
Board Facilities Committee, and Norwin Community about the A+ Facilities Project
to improve Norwin School District facilities for Academics, Arts, Athletics, and Activities.
The project will include renovations to improve safety, accessibility, structural integrity,
audio-visual components, and student and guest experiences in the
High School Performing Arts Center and Knights Stadium.
August 14, 2023: Project Initiation and Information Sheet
February 22, 2024: Stadium Condition Assessment & Feasibility Study
April 22, 2024: Project Initiation & Information Sheet
September 9, 2024: Norwin School Board Meeting
Superintendent Report: Facilities Usage Summary
Presentation by Draw Collective
October 7, 2024: Norwin School Board Retreat
November 11, 2024: Norwin School Board Presentation by Draw Collective
January 13, 2025: Norwin School Board Presentation by Draw Collective