Bus information (stops, times, bus numbers, etc.) is available to view in
"Skyward Family Access"
If you do not see bus information for your student,
please contact at First Student at

First Student is looking for dependable individuals interested in driving school buses.
If interested contact: First Student - North Huntingdon @ 724.863.2262
First Student is looking for dependable individuals interested in driving school buses.
If interested contact: First Student - North Huntingdon @ 724.863.2262
Norwin School District
Office of Student Transportation
(724) 861-3038
7:00 am - 3:00 pm (after 3:00 contact the First Student bus garage)
Office of Student Transportation
(724) 861-3038
7:00 am - 3:00 pm (after 3:00 contact the First Student bus garage)
Please contact First Student Bus Company (724-863-2262) for any of the following circumstances:
5:30 am - 5:00 pm
5:30 am - 5:00 pm
- If your child's bus is more than 10 minutes late or did not show up
- If your child left items on their bus
- If you feel your child's bus information is wrong
Questions regarding transportation for field trips or sporting events?
Contact the Office of Athletics and Student Activities x1250
The Norwin School District Policy 810 provides for the transportation of resident students in grades 1 - 12 to and from school. This same policy provides transportation to Kindergarten children one-way only; mid-day transportation remains the responsibility of parents/guardians. The district does not provide buses for pre-school. School transportation is a privilege that may be removed for behaviors that are persistent, unacceptable or present a safety concern. Below are some of the bus laws and regulations to help you better understand how transportation operates with the hopes our service can be most effective. You will also find information regarding busing in your Student Handbooks.
The Norwin School District Policy 810 provides for the transportation of resident students in grades 1 - 12 to and from school. This same policy provides transportation to Kindergarten children one-way only; mid-day transportation remains the responsibility of parents/guardians. The district does not provide buses for pre-school. School transportation is a privilege that may be removed for behaviors that are persistent, unacceptable or present a safety concern. Below are some of the bus laws and regulations to help you better understand how transportation operates with the hopes our service can be most effective. You will also find information regarding busing in your Student Handbooks.
See the "MOVING?" tab...It is important that you make any address changes when moving to a new location within the District since the process can take 10-14 days to finalize. The information you enter is passed on to First Student and your child’s bus number, pick-up location and time will be updated. Change of address should be made as soon as possible or your child's transportation needs can not be updated.
Children should report for the bus ten (10) minutes ahead of the scheduled pick-up time and stand in the designated area. Parents or a designated adult are required to be at the bus stop for students in KG and 1st grade. There is to be no shouting, running or game-playing while waiting for the bus. Students should be respectful of the property and privacy of those persons who may live at or near the bus stop. All school rules and regulations apply at the bus stop as well as on the bus. When exiting the bus, students should go directly to their homes. Misbehavior upon exiting the bus is also subject to disciplinary action.

All buses serving Norwin School District transportation needs are subject to being both audio and video recorded in order to assist in ensuring that the students are transported in a manner that protects them, as well as the school bus operator from physical injury, verbal abuse, and threats. Such recordings, both audio and video, may be utilized in all disciplinary and security investigations of students and adult employees of Norwin School District and its contracted service providers.
If you should have a question or concern regarding school transportation services, you may direct the question to the driver if it is a concern that can be answered quickly and calmly. Otherwise, direct your questions or concerns to First Student Transportation at 724-863-2262 or the building principal.
All buses serving Norwin School District transportation needs are subject to being both audio and video recorded in order to assist in ensuring that the students are transported in a manner that protects them, as well as the school bus operator from physical injury, verbal abuse, and threats. Such recordings, both audio and video, may be utilized in all disciplinary and security investigations of students and adult employees of Norwin School District and its contracted service providers.
If you should have a question or concern regarding school transportation services, you may direct the question to the driver if it is a concern that can be answered quickly and calmly. Otherwise, direct your questions or concerns to First Student Transportation at 724-863-2262 or the building principal.